2008 Reunion Two
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More photos of old folks at the 2008 reunion

Lots of visiting and talking about old Times and seeing old friends

Lots of Grads having fun

Mary Blevins Dawson `58

Bob Little `58, Janice Sexton Sneeden `58 & Shirley Hopkins Hooker `58

Adrianna Haynes Stevenson `58 & Marie Kish Tabbert ~58

Sonny Stevenson , Adrianna Haynes Stevensons `58, & Marie Kish Tabbert `58, Sid Cure `55

Phyllis Lambert Cates `58, Fred Richardson `61 & Barbara Sims ` 57

Wiley Yates `58, Mary Waichulis Yates `58, Pearl Rich Perkins `58,Mary Blevins Dawson `58, Kim Green (Phyllis Lambert Cates daughter), background Joe Buenrostro `58 and Bud Farmer `58

Janice Sexton Snedden`58 & Barbara Sims `57

Vincel Herlovich `58 & ShirleyHopkins Hooker `58

June Lovelace Jones `59 & husband Vic

GHS Merchandise, Carolyn still has limited items available , contact her to order

Bob Little `58, Janice Sexton Sneeden `58 & Vincel Herlovich `58

Vicki Dorula Presley `63 .....Love ya Vicki

Sue Blair Barta `56 & Joe Barta `56

Barabara Sims `57, Fred Richardson `61 & Nancy Sims Freeman `60

Pearl Rich `58 and Carolyn Little `63 at GHS Souvenir table- great stuff- Thank you Pearl and Carolyn for your hard work with the committee in making the reunion happen!

Lots of fun and laughs

Debra Sharrone `62 with her lovely daughter

Jim Weaver `58 and wife , Carmen

Betty Popovich Ridgeway `58 and Joe Bellino `55

Dianna and John Novak

Rocken around the clock!!!

Joe Buenrostro `58 and wife, Rose

Classmates Fred Richardson and Dorothy Miller `61

Fred ` 61 and Diana Herlovich `55

Fred with Debra and Deb`s daughter

Joe Bellino `55 and Joann Toth `55

John Novak relaxing with three of the hard working, tired committee gals - Carolyn Hanks, Betty Popovich , Mary Blevins

Marie Kish, Arrianna Haynes, Carolyn Hanks, John Novak, Betty Popovich, Mary Blevins Back row - Phyllis Lambert, Jim Weaver and Carmen, Fred Richardson, Phyllis` daughter and Adrianna`s Sonny Stevenson WHS.

Charlotte and Vicki Dorula Presley ` 63 . Thats a very old Coaldigger button Vicki has on. Charlotte and Vicki took drivers` ed together at GHS and lived thru it! Sid Cure was their instructor.

Continued on Reunion Three Page