Photo 18 GHS Today
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Gary High School Today, taken 11 - 10 - 07 Provided by Buddy French

Gary High School as it appears today, it is now owned by a Church, but still looks much the same as it always did.

Gary High School still stands proud and tall !

The buildings still stand tall and bold, a little old, a little worn and torn and the halls are silent and empty as it is no longer a school but she still stands proud with her head up . Who knows maybe someday she will shine again.

Yes the building has aged but oh the History it holds !

It seems that the old school will remain a memory, but the Church seems to be restoring the building and keeping it much the same as it always was.

Yes the Principals office is still there.

The interior looks much the same. Do you remember being called to the principals office ? You knew you were in trouble !

Gary High School first floor hallway.

Looks much the same , clean and shines.

Gary Coaldigger Trophy Case

The trophy case is still there but stands empty, the years of History are gone!

Coaldigger Trophy Case

The Logos and decals are still there but the case stands empty.

The Coaldigger Gymnasium

Its hard to picture the Gym being empty, quiet and silent , while remembering the wild basketball games of the past and the loud noisey student assemblies held there.