2008 Reunion Four
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More Reunion Photos

If anyone has any photos of other GHS get togethers please send them to me to post here, Thank you.

Bob & Hope Bratton Perkins

Bob Little & Betty Popovich
Bob Little & Mary Blevins Dawson
Bobby, Janice, Vincel
Ethel Fowler Witt, Gene Freeman & Marie Kish Tabbert ( Thorpe Grade School gang)
Fred Richardson & Adrianna Haynes Stevenson
Fred & Charlie Presley
Fred & Dianna Herlovich West
Fred & Pearl Rich Perkins

Thats enough of Fred..........

Trula Critikos & hubby
Harold & Gayle Yates Pack, Joe Barta, John & Molly Lambert Nelson & Sue Ann Blair Barta.
Class of `58 - 50th Anniversay
Kenny Woolridge & Duane Pugh
Happy Anniversary

Thats All Folks