2008 Reunion Three
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More GHS Alumni old folks

THIS PAGE UPDATED 9 - 11 - 2008

1958 Classmates Vincil Herlovich and Adrianna - still laughing

Looks like all these old folks had a fun time, they are all laughing and Freds` always grinning like he knows something that no one else does.

The Lambert sisters

The 'funner' than fun and prettier than pretty Lambert sisters - you can`t be around them and not smile.....and laugh!  They spread sunshine !! Charlotte `62  ,  Molly `56  ,  Phyllis ` 58

Shirley Hopkins Hooker `58


Adrianna Haynes Stevenson `58, she is always laughing
Wesley E. Clark `49 and wife Shelby Jean Bales Clark `55
Happy 50 Year Reunion to 1958 Classmates - Jim Weaver , Bud Farmer , John Novak

Thank you to Bud for his work with the committee and for his beautiful blessing at the banquet.

Old friends talking about old times........
Sisters............Doris O`Brien Martin `53............Carol O`Brien `58
Joann Toth `55 and Joe Bellino `55
Fred R. `61 and Carol O`Brien `58 with purchases from the table
Gary High School 2008 Reunion Class 1959 - 1963

L to R- Front Row; Charlotte Lambert Stallard `62, Patricia Sadler Davis `62, June Lovelace Jones `59, Connie Lovelace Burgess `60, Nancy Sims Freeman `60, Carolyn Sue Little `63.      L to R Standing;  Fred Richardson `61, Joe Owens `61, Dorothy Miller Cunningham `61, Phyllis Mitchell Whitehead `62, Debra Sharrone Goins `62, Vicki Dorula Presley `63, Charlie Presley `62. 

Old Friends.....Adrianna Haynes Stevenson & Bud Farmer
Adrianna Haynes Stevenson `58 and Marie Kish Tabbert
Betty Popovich Ridgeway & Jimmy Weaver

2008 Reunion photos /// I still have a ton more photos to post that Marie Kish Tabbert sent to me  but I am out of energy. I will set up another photo page when I can .