Photo 22 Skidoos 08
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Skidoos Get Together 2008

Updated    6 - 29 - 2008                     

Fred Richardson and Vicki Dorula Presley

Pete Pisano, Fred Richardson, Jim Newsome

Darrell Varner and Alex Popp

Cousins Ron Day and Charlie Presley

Blevins sisters, Betty Jane Varner and Carol Jean Day

Alex Schust and Vicki Dorula Presley

Coaldigger Yearbooks

Marvin Mutter and Joyce Dorula

Betty Jane, Fred and Carol Jean

Joe Friedl and Marvin Mutter

Alex Schust, Fred and Vicki

Ron Day, James Large, Charlie Presley

Jim Newsome, Joe Friedl

Fred, Mutter, Newsome, Friedl

Vicki, James Large

Vicki and Adele McCormick Compton

Debbie and Fred

Nan Presley Mitchem and Alex

Fred and Vicki

Betty Jane, Nan and Carol Jean

Joyce Dorula, Pete Piasno, James Large

Fred and Dorothy Miller Cunningham

Fred, Newsome, Alex Popp, Alex Schust

Charlie and Vicki

Joe Friedl and Marvin Mutter

Darrell and Betty Jane (Blevins) Varner

Jim Newsome and Charlie

Jim and Joe

There are 2  more open slots on this page if anyone has any different photos of folks not already posted. Thanks.