Photo 17 Las Vegas 07
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Photos from the 2007 Western GHS Reunion in Las Vegas , Nevada

About 18 people showed up in Las Vegas for the 2007 Western U.S. Gary High School Reunion. They all enjoyed their stay there and visiting with old friends, having dinner together, gambling and having three Polka Parties together.

Marie Lorraine Garay 59 and her husband Bob Patocka.

Marie and Bob hosted a Polka party in their room three times and Bob provided the music.

The gang at a Casino

Lt to Rt       Judy Moss Wadosky,  Priscilla Lassak, Pat & Vivian Frost , Marie Garay Patocka.

Dinner at a Vegas Hotel

Marie Garay Patocka, Judy and Butch Wadosky.

Dinner at a Vegas Hotel

Judy and Butch Wadosky 59 and Molly Lambert 56.

Dinner at a Vegas Hotel the gangs all here.

Molly Lambert 56 and husband John Nelson from Arizona.

Dinner out on the town with the gang.

Donna "Bebe" Martinez Lockhart 59, Bebe was our neighbor in Elbert # 7 , they lived on the other side of our duplex company house and we also shared a duplex outhouse a 4 holer.!!! Her sister Carmen did not make the trip.

Party time in the hotel room.

Pat Frost Stewart, Vivian Frost Farimor (wilcoe), Pats husband Bob, Vivians husband Walt.

Its good to visit with old friends

Marie Garay Patocka with Joe Buenrostro 58 from Filbert # 9 . Looks like Sis changed her wig again !!

Dinner in a Las Vegas Hotel, uummm all I see is wine !

Helen Zick 59 and husband Jim.

Visiting friends in the hotel room.

Molly Lambert and husband John Nelson having a good time.

Lifelong friends is a good thing, visiting in the hotel.

Marie Garay Patocka and Donna "Bebe" Martinez Lockhart 59, you`ve come along way from Elbert.

Relaxing in the hotel

Donna "Bebe" Martinez Lockhart 59, once a lady always a lady!......Love ya Bebe!

If anyone else has anymore pictures of this Shindig Please send them to me THANKS!
Any thoughts for another western reunion?