Photo 23 School Days
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Photos from our early school days and other Gary Hollow photos

UPDATED         Feb. 3, 2009 Need more photos for this page , keep sending them in folks.

First grade play at Elbert-Filbert Elementary 1951 ?

Most of these kids would become the class of 1963 at Gary High School.    Priest - Joe Gregory, Bestman - John Gergely, Groom - John Michael Nuckolls, Ring - Coney Bales, Attendants - Charlotte French, Agnes Ryder, Bride - Vicki Dorula, Papa - Michael Gregory........This photo contributed by Vicki Dorula Presley

First grade play at Elbert-Filbert Elementary

Vicki looks terrified, wonder if she was when she married Charlie.

First grade play at Elbert-Filbert Elementary 1951 ?

Alex Schust - who would have guessed he would some day write  books about Gary Hollow?

Vicki Dorula 1963 Gary High School

Vicki at the Spring Band Festival/Parade in Bluefield 1963. This photo contributed by guess who......Vicki Dorula Presley.

1963 Gary High School Majorettes

Carol Kailing, Sue Bailey, Vicki Dorula, Nancy Mitchell, Sandra Blasher : Back Row Drum Majorette Bunny Pinter and assistant Linda Meredith.

Mrs. Evelyn Robertson

Mrs. Evelyn Robertson, former Librarian at GHS in the 1950`s and early 1960`s, celebrated her 90th birthday.

Evelyn with sons Jim and Ken

Happy Birthday Evelyn


The USS NEW YORK was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.                It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against  terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.          Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite, La. to cast the ship`s bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, "those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence," recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. " It was a spiritual moment for everybody there."          Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the "hair on my neck stood up." "It had a big meaning to it for all of us," he said. "They knocked us down. They can`t keep us down. We`re going to be back."             The ship`s motto? "NEVER FORGET"                                                                                           Terrorists beware,  this ship can and will bring a world of hurt to your front door.   I stand in awe of her with pride in her. What she is saying is , you have tread on the USA once you won`t do it twice.

Elsie Dollar Jones get together Oct. 16, 2008

On October 16, 2008  Elsie Dollar Jones hosted a Gary High School get together in her home . They had not been together since the High School Days, they had a great time and will do it again next year.   Lt - Rt    Irene Myers Dollar Class of 1937, her daughter Elsie Dollar Jones `55 is standing behind her,   Velma Chisgar `54,   Betty Marshall `54,    Alice Kirk `54.

Fun day in Trinity , North Carolina

Elsie Dollar in back, L - R, Velma Chisgar, Liddie Kirk, Alice Kirk and Betty Marshall.

Fifty plus years is a long time.

Betty Marshall, John While and wife Alice Kirk

A quiet day visiting with old friends.

Velma Chisgar, Liddie Kirk, Alice Kirk (Liddie is Alice`s mother)

Noah "Junior" "Bugs" Robinson in Viet Nam 1966

Taking a swig from a West Virginia " Jug " !! After a long Hot, hard day. ahee we were all young once....a long time ago ...those were the days.


This country has the White House in Washington D.C., Opra has the Black House in California a multi-millon dollar mansion.  This is the Holler House in Youngs Holler just up aways from Elbert Grade School near where # 7 mine used to be and the building that originally was the # 7 mine office, then became the Church of Christ. This is a typical Holler House but this one happens to be the house that I was born in and my family lived there for many years, it had inside plumbing and bathroom.....ironically my mother wanted to move into town .....the Company house we moved into in Elbert did not have an indoor bathroom....yep we had an town!    This house no longer exist, a mining operation took over the Holler and has destroyed what mother nature created. I think its time that we turn things around and let mother nature take over again, she got it right the first time.