Whites 2009 Photos
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Whites Get Together 2009 Photos

Photos of Whites and a few from the Miracle Mountain Reunion 2009

Miracle Mountain 2009

MM 2009 Mary Blevins Dawson and her two granddaughters

Buddy Garay and Debra Sharrone Goins

Pete Piasno relaxing on the front porch with friends

Andy Carl Blasher

Carmello Miano and Sherry Rose Miano

Sherry Rose Miano and Louis "Buddy" Garay

Carolyn Sue Little, Louis "Buddy" Garay And Sherry Rose Miano

Kevan Romeo and Bob Little

Whites Get together 2009 , Ms. Joyce Hood Caldwell

Susan Wells Fitchko and Fred Richardson

Group photo of Coaldiggers

Bud Farmer, Linda Byrd Baker and Dickie Riffe

Bud Farmer, Barbara Sims and Linda Byrd Baker

Charlie Presley and Nancy Sims Freeman

Phyllis Lambert Cates, Doris Pulakis Wadosky and Joyce Pulakis Taylor

Mary Blevins Dawson

Betty Popovich Ridgeway and Kim Green

Jerry Smith and Betty Popovich Ridgeway

Kenny Woolridge

Charlie Presley and Kim Green

Bob Little & Betty Popovich Ridgeway

Fred Richardson, Barbara Sims, Gene Freeman and Carolyn Sue Little