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Gary Hollow Pics

Wal-Mart near Welch Oct 2006

Sterling Drive - in . Welch Oct 2006

Water tank in Welch

The old Stevens Clinc at Welch is now a Jail

The beginning of # 6 "Ream" Hollow

Up in # 6 Hollow (Ream) Oct 2006

2006 reunion- poodle skirt group; Jack & Joe Rich, Anthony Cavallo & Joe Belino

Betty Popovich Ridgeway & Charlie Presley , 2006 reunion

2006 reunion; Pearl Rich Perkins, Bob Little, Shirley Hopkins Hooker, Vincel Herlovich

Buddy Farmer, Mary Blevins Dawson, Vincel,Pete Pisano

reunion 2006; Pete Pisano, Walt Jukovich, Don Chappell

Reunion 2006; Charlie & Vicki (Dorula) Presley, Pete & Barbara Pisano, Helen & Tony Dalesandro

Another house in Elbert recently burned down , its the first house past the old community center site.

Another house is gone in Elbert, not many left !! The house on the left is the one I grew up in.

Most excitement in Elbert in a long time !

No reports if anyone was hurt . ?

Those old houses burn fast !

Must have been scary for the folks of Elbert !

The interior of the old Elbert Theater a long time ago.

Gary, Wv. 1920`s

Sago Mine Monument , Buckhannon, West Virginia

Sago Mine Monument 2006

Sago Mine Monument 2006 , a memorial to the best of West Virginia

Veterans Day Parade Nov.2006 Welch , Wv

Veterans Day Parade Welch Nov 2006

Veterans Day Parade Welch Nov 2006

Veterans Day Parade Welch Nov 2006.( Bluefield HS Band )

Veterans Day Parade Welch Nov 2006

Veterans Day Parade Downtown Welch Wv. Nov 2006 . Welch is still alive !

Veterans Day Parade Welch Nov 2006

Keep sending in the photos folks anything you would like to post.