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More mining photos, if you have any you would like to post send them in.These were contributed by Buddy French

Mines And other Gary area and Coaldigger Photos       UPDATED 7 - 4- 2008 

Unknown Gary miner working on a mine machine.

Can you identify any of these miners?

Unknown Gary miner loading a coal car at the face.

This was not a job for an old man or one with a weak back!!

Unknown Gary # 2 miner driving a mine machine

Can you identify the miner or the machine?

Gary # 2 Mine, Noah Robinson Sr. on left and unknown miner .

Mining was a tough way of life.

Elbert Grade School Boys Band

Date unknown, photo contributed by Noah "Bugs" Robinson Jr. Probably taken in 20`s or 30`s.

John Cempella, Band Director Gary High School , May 1954

These WERE the good old days, remember those band trips!!    This photo contributed by Ina Lee Brindle Meadows

Mr. & Mrs. Dean , Gary High School

The Principal and teachers at Gary High School, any one that attended GHS know who they were.

Gary Catholic Church

First Holy Communion, 1951, the two girls in second to last row on the right are Carmen and Donna (BeBe) Martinez. Can anyone name any of the others? Who was the Priest in 1951?....!!!   This photo contributed by Noah "Bugs" Robinson Jr., said he found it in his Barn!!  //////  OK I enlarged the photo so that the faces are more clear!.....Bugs has Identified somemore of them , the names may be wrong or the spelling could be off, feel free to correct me....uumm I mean Bugs!/////////////   Front row girl on left B. Grealow, girl on right Rosie Marinelli; 2nd row 2nd boy from left H. Yost, 3rd boy from left ? Pinter, boy on far right Joe Spichek; 3rd row first boy on left Dan Pisano, 2nd boy from left Sandy Perfin, 3rd boy from left Mike Fitchko;  4th row boy at far left Larry popovich,boy 2nd from left Paul Haynes, boy 3rd from left Noah "Bugs" Robinson Jr.; 5th row two girls on right are Carmen and BeBe Martinez;back row girl on left Betty Lustic,girl 3rd from left is Janet Cape......If you can correct this or identify more of these please let me know .    Joe Gergerly is in there somewhere?

Gary Hollow, Wv.

Noah Bugs" Robinson Jr., and Gene Cox , 1965, in a Gary Hollow house. Photo contributed by Bugs

Elbert, Wv., 1960

The three original Elbert Red Dots , from L to R Roger "Stikes" Yates, Noah "June Bug" Robinson Jr., Louis "Buddy" Garay. All three are still around, Roger and Noah live in Princeton, Wv. and Buddy is in Belen , NM and the webmaster of this site.  All three of us are still friends, we were reunited at the 2009 Miracle Mountain . Photos to be posted on the Mircle Mtn Reunion Page. It took 49 years for us to stand together again.

Pinacale Rock , Wv. 1962

1962, Andrew "Pooley" Toth from Church Row Filbert. an official Red Dot, Pooley passed away several years ago. Take care Bro.

Mr. Pete Leo

Mr. Pete Leo was the Principal at Elbert- Filbert Elementary school during the 1950`s and 60`s. A lot of us remember him, he was a good man.   Photo contributed by his granddaughter Marian.

Gary Mine Safety Board

Safety became more of a concern in mining operations as mines expanded and went deeper into the mountains. This accident board was erected at the Gary, McDowell County operations of U.S. Steel in the 1920`s.

Gary # 10 Not to long ago

Someone please educate me I can`t remember the Name of # 10. Notice the nursing home that has been added on the old ball field. What year ??

Keep sending in the Photos folks, I got lots more pages available!!  So go look through those old dusty boxes that you been meaning to clean out for the last 20 years, you might be surprised as to what you will find.