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 You might be a Coaldigger if you can remember when ......

Remember when on a cold winter night . You had to get out of a nice warm bed and go out the kitchen door to the outhouse that had ice on the seat. Yes those were the good old days ??  says who ?               Remember when we went to the Elbert Hall for the after football game dances and we really had a great time ? Even if we lost.         Remember when to take a bath in a company house your mother heated water on a coal fired stove in a big pot and poured it into a galvanized tub sitting on the kitchen floor and you hoped you were not the last one to get to use the tub.   Was it a # 6 tub?   Good old days????             Remember when on a cold snowy night we would grab our sleds and go out on the streets and hop cars from one town to the next hanging onto the back bumper six deep and would have a fire barrel at each end to keep warm......think todays parents would allow this ?..naw!!              Remember when before telephones made it to the hollow or every kid had his own cell phone , when your mother wanted to call you in for supper she would stand out on the front porch and yell your name very loud over and over and could be heard all over the town . A friend that lived on Church Row in Filbert would be called every day this way by his mother , she would yell PooooLiiiieeee , his nickname, we would tease him a lot.     I remember when we were one of the few families that had a TV , it was a black & white TV a square box on four legs, my sisters and their girl friends gathered at our house one evening to watch ELVIS on the Ed Sullivan show , they were all going nuts and screaming, my Dad was upstaris trying to sleep before going to work on midnight shift  he chased them all out.                  Got any good remember when memories to place here ???  

Elbert # 7 Wv 1945


Elbert Community circa 1928


Elbert-Filbert Elementary School Play Grades 2&3 1948


Remember When at parties we used to play spin the bottle