Photo 19 Mines 2
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McDowell County Mines

 McDowell County Mining and Towns

Filbert # 9 Mine Tipple

This tipple is quiet now but in its prime it filled railroad cars around the clock.

# 9 Mine maintenance shop parts bin

Gone but not Forgotten N0. 9 Mine

Unknown Gary Miners

Being a miner was a tough way to make a living

Gary No. 12 Mine Begins

June 1945, Gary No. 12 started.        This photo provided by Ed Evans

Elbert No. 7 1907

This is the oldest photo I have of Elbert , 1907, so this proves that the houses there are over a hundred years old. No wonder these houses creak and go bump in the night and burn down easily.    This photo contributed by Ed Evans.

Early photo of Pageton train station

Well at least it was not painted yellow.

Elbert No. 7 Community Building about 1920

This was the good old days.