2008 Reunion
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2008 Reunion in Charleston Photos and Fun with Old Folks

Everyone had a great time

GHS Alumni 59 - 63

Dickie Riffe `58 and Linda Byrd `58 - They "reunited" after many years and are now an engaged couple.


Coaldiggers Forever and Friends

Sunday breakfast - with Maria Colombo and Sid Cure

Sunday breakfast - Ralph Puckett `70 , Dee Miller `61 , Fred Richardson`61

Mary Blevins `58, Carolyn Little `63, Betty Popovich `58, Anthony and Charlie

Ralph and Vicki Two "We R Marshall" fans Note his cap

Anthony Cavallo `54, Ron Evans `54, Joe Belino `55

Charlie`s new best friend. Mickey is an amazing lady at 86. She drove her gentleman friend, Roy Cook - a 1935 GHS grad, to Charleston from Florida. She said that his son was planning to drive them back to Florida. She was a really spry gal who was Fun and interesting to talk to. She still belongs to a square dancing group and was very pleasant , happy and energetic.

Charlie and Vicki

Bob Little and Fred Richardson

Jean Barker Crockett `35 - Kenneth Witten `36. She is an Aunt to Jim and Jackie Povlich, she is a lovely lady.

Wiley Yates and wife Mary Waichulis both class of 58

Anthony with Patsy Shaffron `54 and her husband Bill

Bob Little `58, Fred Richardson `61, Ed Winiarczyk `56, Joe Owens `61

Vincel Herlovich `58 and Vicki `63 and Charlie `62

Charlotte Lambert Stallard `62, Debra Sharrone Goins `62 , Vicki Dorula Presley `63

John Yokosuk and wife with Mary Waichulis `58 , John is a brother of Skomie - who ran a pool hall in Elbert and then in Welch

Anthony Cavallo `55 and Sid Cure ` 55

Mary Blevins `58 buying chances on the afghans. Adrianna made the three beautiful afgans to be raffled to raise funds for the GHS Alumni Association. Thank you , Adrianna!

Sonny Stevenson(WHS - married to Adrianna) Pearl Rich `58, Adrianna Haynes `58, Marie Kish `58, Carolyn Hanks `58- Thanks to all of them for their hard work planning this event!

Maria Colombo Cure `57 and Charlie Presley `62

Souvenir Table -- Carolyn Little still has some of the items you can order them from her.

Adrianna Haynes Stevenson `58

Carolyn Little `63 and June Lovelace Jones `59

Marie Kish Tabbert `58, Carolyn Hanks Larj `58 and Bob Little `58

Sonny & Adrianna Haynes Stevenson `58

Anthony Cavallo `54

Betty Popovich Ridgeway `58 & Carolyn Little `63

Continued on Reunion 2008 Two