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Gary Hollow and Gary High School Photos


This is the old walk bridge in Main Gary

A lot of Gary kids used to play on this bridge, its now unusable and dangerous.

The old Gary High School Football Field Today

A lot of wild games played here, a lot of memories.

Gary High School Football Field and shops and coke ovens

Gary back in the old days .

Gary High School Cheerleaders 1966-67

Patricia Profitt,Mary Dorula,Madola Queen, Frances Morris, Karen Smith.

1960 Gary beat Welch 19-14

This was a big day , do you know any of these guys ?

This is what Gary used to look like behind the shop area.

Most of this is gone now the football field is still there .

Gary,Wv Early 1900`s

Gary Restaurant, notice the horses, no Mustangs, Cougars or Pintos.