Football Scores 2
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This page under construction/ GHS Football scores 1970 - 1977.

1970 Season,  Coach Cure ;  Gary 12 - Northfork-E 6,  Gary 44 - Iaeger 6,  Gary 6 - Logan 0,  Gary 14 - Bluefield 8,  Gary 44 - Williamson 0,  Gary 45 - Mullens 0,  Gary 56 - Princeton 0,  Gary 40 - Big Creek 0,  Gary 36 - Huntington 14(First Game),  Gary 44 - Welch 12,  Gary 28 - Oceana 0,  11 - 0 - 0   State AA Champs Second time Also County Champs.               1971 Season,  Coach Dykes ;  Gary 6 - Northfork-E 0,  Gary 52 - Iaeger 0,  Gary 12 - Logan 0,  Gary 50 - Williamson 0,  Gary 14 - Bluefield 36,  Gary 36 - Mullens 16,  Gary 34 - Princeton 6,  Gary 16 - Big Creek 15,   Gary 0 - Huntington 24, Gary 12 - Welch 12,   7 - 2 - 1.             The  1972, 1973 and 1974 Season Scores are not available as yet, Sherry is looking but has not found them yet if anyone has them please send them to me Thank you. I had some very good trivia in mind but cannot do it till I get the rest of the scores.  I will continue on with 1975 below.

The 1977 Gary High School Football Team . The last Coaldiggers.

The 1977 Football Team Roster (Not in order)   Kenneth Young, Dennis Martin, Gareth Mills, Rodney Shrader, Kevin Wade, Robert Wyatt, John Gouge, Jerry Franklin, Alfred Johnson, Charles Williams, Tony Barner, Jerry Powell, Brian Russnak, David Richardson, James Spencer, Jeff Floyd, John Fritts, Kenneth Megginson, John Conte, George Rash, Keith Hairston, Steven Easley, Lucius Parks, Silas Anderson, Jeff Joyce, Kermit Stirkens, Ricky Lopez, Louis Lano, Reggie Jones (Scored the Last Gary TD) , John Spencer, Cecil Shrader.



1975 - 1977 Season Scores

1975 Season,   Coach Callaway ;  Gary 22 - Northfork 6,  Gary 34 - Iaeger 14,  Gary 14 - Williamson 16,  Gary 0 - Bluefield 40,  Gary 12 - Oceana 0,  Gary 6 - Princeton 20,  Gary 6 - Big Creek 16,  Gary 14 - Mullens 15,  Gary 42 - Pineville 2,  Gary 14 - Welch 50,    4 - 6 - 0,                   1976 Season,  Coach Hall ;  Gary 20 - Northfork 6,  Gary 48 - Iaeger 8, Gary 12 - Williamson 6,  Gary 0 - Bluefield 21,  Gary 0 - Big Creek 33,  Gary 6 - Princeton 56,  Gary 14 - Mullens 2,  Gary 0 - Pineville 14,  Gary 0 - Welch 36,   4 - 5 - 0,                   1977 Season,(Last Season),  Coach Hall ;  Gary 12 - Northfork 8,  Gary 0 - Man 7,  Gary 8 - Williamson 19,  Gary 0 - Bluefield 54,  Gary 0 - Big Creek 38,  Gary 15 - Princeton 26,  Gary 9 - Iaeger 8,  Gary 13 - Mullens 7,  Gary 6 - Welch 31,    3 - 6 - 0.

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The 1970 Undefeated AA State Champs 11 - 0 - 0


The 1966 AA State Champions
