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# 9 Mtn Reunion 2006

# 9 Mtn reunion 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

# 9 Mtn 2006

Chuck Goad, Barbara Sims, Barbara Richardson & Husband Travis Cremson

Bud Farmer and Barb Sims

Chuck goad and Jane Thomas,Chuck don`t look too happy

Travis Cremson & wife Barbara Richardson and Fred Richardson

The Fryes

Barbara Camberos, Chuck Goad, Iris Goad Miller, Nellie Boggs

Alumni at the Muesem

Travis Cremson & wife Barbara Richadrson

Just relaxing

Miss Carolyn Little

Chuck Goad and Ms. Carolyn Little

Oct 2006, Class of 1947

2006 Class of 1947

Oct 2006 GHS Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion

Oct 2006 Reunion