Memories From The Past
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Articles taken from the Welch Daily News UPDATED April 25, 2007

Memories of times long gone

This page is dedicated to the memory of my sister Grace A. Garay 1943-2003 a 1961 GHS Graduate

Also this page remembers those Gary High School Alumni that served in the United States Military.

The Legend Miss Covey

If you attended GHS you remember Miss Covey

Gary High School remembers.

Who remembers these alumni ?

Gary High School On Top Again

They were the best ! Their memories live on.

We will never forget.

Look and you will find GHS Alumni everywhere , even on the Viet Nam memorial wall.

Donna "BeBe" Martinez GHS Graduate

BeBe was our neighbor in Elbert , she lived on the other side of the "duplex" company house. She lives in N.J. now . Her husband James has passed on.

Buddy Garay 1970

Transferred from Taiwan to Thailand, that was my first tour there. I  had several more. Lovely place !!?

Henry J. Paul from Filbert

Many Gary High School Alumni served in the military.

Frank Szakacs of Thorpe

Another GHS alumni served.

Gary High School Student Standouts

Judy Hightower and Donald Bennington were always in the front row.

Two GHS Gals do good.

Patricia Etta Anderson of Filbert and Bonnita Louise Baldea of Thorpe were off and running .

NOAH ROBINSON ( Bugs ) Viet Nam 1966

Many Gary High School Alumni Served In Viet Nam . Most of us did it with Pride and Courage .

Remember Joe Smith the Barber

Joe Smith had a Barber Shop in Elbert for years , then moved it to Gary where he had a barber shop for many more years.  This photo contributed by Joe`s granddaughter Pam.

The King was gone

That was a long time ago ! Seems like yesterday, time sure goes by fast!  Remember when Elvis performed on the Ed Sullivan Show and others?