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Gone Fishen

Want to go fishing  ? Come on down lets go , forget the golf clubs bring your fishing poles.!!............       My name is Louis L. "Buddy" Garay  .  I was born and grew up in Elbert # 7 , Wv. We left during the middle of my sophomore year  in 1961, we moved to Md. Where I graduated from Bladensburg High School in 1964. I completed 20 years in the U.S. Air Force and I am now retired and living in Belen,New Mexico.Contrary to popular belief NM is one of the United States  its in between Texas and Arizona.  I live here with my wife Elise,she is from Nicaragua and our daughter Naida .      I started this website because at the time it looked like the old original GHS website was about to go down. Also I thought I could get a lot of input from GHS alumni to make a very good site , photos , stories and other info. It seems I was wrong about this the input I was expecting has never matarialized.  For awhile I did get a good amount of info and photos from several devoted people but not the amount from a lot of different folks I was expecting, so as a result this site is starting to go flat.   For awhile this site was getting over a hundred hits a day, the average is now below forty hits a day and the amount of folks signing in on the guestbook has dropped way off. ...........I have tried several different things to get folks interested in participating in the site so far nothing has worked, it seems the old GHS spirit is gone , its fading because of time and folks getting older and less interested.  Actually its kind of sad.........My thanks goes out to the ones that are frequent viewers, thanks for your support.    If anyone has a good idea for a new page to be added please let me know. Thanks for your support.      Louis "Buddy" Garay  1-4-07

Membership:   Join the Gary High School Alumni Association, the annual fee is $ 12 .00. Checks should be made payable to Gary High School Alumni Association and should be sent to Robert L. Little , P.O. Box 782 , Bluefield, Wv 24701. If you are already a member and have not paid your dues please pay them,you will not receive a reminder.                                                                                                     Scholarships:   The GHS Alumni Association awards scholarships to deserving students. The students are sons and daughters of GHS Alumni . Those who receive scholarships are awarded $ 250 .00 each. Donations to the fund are appreciated. Checks should be made payable to Gary High School Scholarship Fund and sent to Robert L. Little, P.O.Box 782 Bluefield,Wv. 24701                                          Coaldigger Museum:  The Alumni Association has purchased a building to house the Coaldigger Museum in Gary. If you have GHS- related items that you would like to donate , direct them to Sid Cure P.O.Box 336 Gary,Wv 24836. Photos should be framed and labelled. Monetary donations to the Museum should be made payable to Gary High School and sent to Robert L. Little P.O.Box 782 Bluefield,Wv. 24701. Please indicate on your check if it is for dues,scholarship or museum also indicate year of graduation. Thank you        Co - Treasurer  -  Carolyn S. Little `63