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Gary High School Alumni Party Whites Truck Stop March 8, 2008

Lots of old Coaldiggers having a good time 3 - 8 - 2008  At Whites Truck Stop

Dickie Riffe and Kim Green (Phyllis Lambert Cates` daughter)

Kim Green, Dickie Riffe made Kim an "Honorary" Coaldigger which made her very happy.

Ms. Barbara Sims

Pricilla Lassak, Betty Popovich

Bob Little, Pearl Rich, Linda Bird, Betty Popovich

Joyce Pulakis, Janice Sexton

Doris Pulakis, Phyllis Lambert

Jeannette Blaha, Willie Spichek

J.D. Burge

Judy Moss Wadosky`s Mom and Carolyn Warren

Butch Wadosky

Hope Bratton and Mary Blevins

Anthony Cavallo and Butch Wadosky

Barb Sims a lady indeed

Betty Popovich and Mary Blevins

Ms. Carolyn Little and Ms. Barb Sims

Jerry Smith and his wife, Marla

Judy Moss` Mom, Carolyn Warren and Judy Moss

Doris Pulakis, Phyllis Lambert and Joyce Pulakis

Pearl Rich, Betty Popovich and Mary Blevins

Ms. Carolyn Little

Bob Little

Barb Sims and Bob Mulkey

Judy Moss, Linda Bird and Butch Wadosky

Hope Bratton and Husband

Bob Little and Janice Sexton

Judy Moss, Doris Pulakis, Plyllis Lambert, Hope Bratton, Joyce Pulakis, Kim Green

Betty Popovich, Jerry Smith, Pricilla Lassak

Janice Sexton and Willie Spichek

Kim Green (Honorary Coaldigger) and Dickie Riffe

If anyone has any photos of any other GHS gettogethers that you would like to post please send them to me. Thanks